Saturday, September 12, 2009

Analysis / Interpretation of Complex Sentences

Usually when a complex sentence is given for analyzing, detailed analysis is not required; the usually wanted is clause analysis. Complex-Sentence is the sentence which has two or more subordinate clauses besides the main clause. The analysis of Complex sentences is the analysis of the clauses in those sentences. We can analyze the clauses in the Complex Sentences to become familiar with the formation of sentences. But I’ll try to analyze the complex sentence in two ways:

Clause analysis of complex sentence &

Tree format detailed analysis of complex sentence

(A) Clause Analysis of Complex Sentence:

First step is to find out the Principal or Main Clause. The next step is to find out the subordinate Clause or Clauses, showing the relation which each Clause bears to the Principal Clause. We’ll try to understand by following examples;

Example 1:

Sentence: “Whenever he heard the question the old man who lived it that house, answered that the earth is flat.”

Analysis: This complex sentence containing three subordinate clauses, clause analysis is as below;

1. The old man ……….. answered. (Principle clause)

2. Whenever he heard the question. (Adverb clause of time, modifying
answered in 1)

3. Who lived in that house. (Adjective clause, qualifying main in 1)

4. That the earth is flat. (Noun clause, object of answered in 1)

Example 2:

Sentence: I knew a man, who believed that, if a man were permitted to make the ballads, he need not care who made the laws of the nation.

Analysis: This sentence has four subordinate clauses, besides the principal clause.

a. I knew a man. (Principal Clause)

b. Who believed …(Adjective Clause)

c. That he need not care. (Noun Clause)

d. Who made the laws of the nation? (Noun Clause)

e. If a man is admitted to make the ballads. (Adverb Clause)

Example 3:

Sentence: Whenever he heard the question, the old man who lived in that house, answered that the earth is flat.

Analysis: There are three clauses in this sentence.
The old man…..answered. (Principal Clause)
Whenever he heard. (Subordinate Clause)
Who lived in that house? (Subordinate Clause)
That the earth is flat. (Subordinate Clause)

Example 4:

Sentence: I knew a man, who believed that, if a man were permitted to make the ballads, he need not care who made the laws of the nation.

Analysis: This sentence has four subordinate clauses, besides the principal clause.

I knew a man. (Principal Clause)
Who believed …(Adjective Clause)
That he need not care. (Noun Clause)
Who made the laws of the nation? (Noun Clause)
If a man is admitted to make the ballads. (Adverb Clause)

(B) Tree format detailed analysis of complex sentences

In tree format analysis we analyze the complex sentence as per clause, phrase and word level. It can easily be illustrated by following examples:

Example 1:

Sentence: He, the manager was working with his workers.

Clause level: S V C

Phrase level: NP VP PP (P‾)


Art N NP

PosP N

Word level: He the manager was working with his workers.

Example 2:

Sentence: The President of Pakistan will be visiting America shortly.

NP VP NP Adverb Phrase

PP Complement Aux Aux

Article Head (Noun) (H).P N H.V H.V M.V N Adverb

The President of Pakistan will be visiting America shortly.

Example 3:

Sentence: He destroyed the letter, which you sent there.

Clause level: Principal clause Subordinate clause

He destroyed the letter, which you sent there.

Phrase level: VP NP Subject N.P VP Adverbial Phrase

Pronoun M.V Article (H) Noun Subordinatory Noun M.V Adverb

Conjunction of place


Level: He destroyed the letter which you sent there.

Example 4:

Sentence: The man is generally the man who can play most heartily.

Clause level: Main clause Subordinate clause

The man is generally the man who can play most heartily.

Phrase level: NP VP Adverb Phrase NP VP Adverb phrase

Article (H) Noun Linking Adverb article (H) Noun Aux (H.V) M.V Adverb


Relative Pronoun Adverb

(the man)

The man is generally the man who can play most heartily.

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