Monday, September 28, 2009

Free Webhosting Accounts Really Free?

Many free web hosting account can use freely, but they cost money, time and client, and if you have a site that is designed for commercial purposes, and it is more than just a place you can imagine. Consider the following example why free hosting may cost more than you have to negotiate, if you register.

Consideration # 1 Bandwidth
Most free web hosting offers low bandwidth which means that it will take more time to load pages. If your page takes more than 10 seconds to load, you'll lose visitors because they want to continue. Thus, you will lose many customers and sales from the Web site.

Consideration # 2 Advertising Review
Many web hosting companies to freely "รข € €? For you, but will have ads placed on the site and pop-up ads. Most people do not like her and not go to the website for them. Be careful not to register a free web hosting company that uses advertising. This may not bother you, but it may affect your traffic and sales.

Consideration # 3 Web Space
Since web hosting for free, you can not expect a lot of web hosting. Often people are not the place they should upload your web pages and contains all the information on their own. Be sure to contact your provider of free web space, or it can be seen as make sure that the Web space NOK conduct all the necessary elements of web pages.

Consideration # 4 Strong
Other considerations in the web hosting companies are reliable. Often, restrictions are placed on the traffic, and if you exceed it, the area will be turned off during the period, or you can also get an invoice for payment. Find out what the rules are for traffic, and what the result should exceed the limit.

Consideration # 5 Limitations
Most often, it is a free web hosting have rules about the size of images, icons, etc., which can be downloaded. You want to check it before you sign up for web hosting, because if you can not download what you need, it is time to look at other options.

Although the free hosting is technically free, it often costs websites more money in the long term because of the limitations of activity and the activity is the rate set by consumers. Therefore, if you have this growing site, finally, too big for a free account and do not need to make some changes. Rather than address the problem, determine whether a free server will really be helpful and make a plan for change and growth in advance.

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