Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trace Unknown Calls

How to Trace Unknown Callers by Using Online Software
The number of nuisance calls originating form VoIP phones is increasing at an alarming rate as more and more people make the change to this type of phone. Learning how to trace unknown callers through an IP address can be difficult. It is definitely not as simple as tracing an unknown caller through a landline or mobile phone number. The first thing you need to do is to determine if the call is coming form a voIP based phone. This can be done online.
You might be able to install software on your computer, if you have a VoIP system on it, which will enable you to trace the call back to where it originated. Sometimes, using the troubleshooting software that came with your router can help you to trace the call. These techniques will at least allow you to determine which company is providing the service the caller is using to harass you, even if you have not learn completely how to trace unknown callers using these programs. In the end, you may not be able to acquire a phone number that looks like one you are used to seeing.
If you see an unusual number on your caller ID, more than likely the call originated from a VoIP phone. If you perform a web search, you can usually find out if there are other people who are receiving harassing phone calls from the same number. Usually, you can determine the name of the VoIP carrier, even if you cannot find a number on the web that matches the number calling. The first few numbers are usually the same for all calls generated by any given VoIP carrier.

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