Monday, September 28, 2009

Calculating Interest On Forex Trades

One of the great things about trading Forex trading is your ability to influence and, borrowing sometimes effective as 1000 times their capital to trade. But borrowing money for currency trading is exactly the same as borrowing money for other purposes and will have to pay interest on your loan.

Currency transactions include the purchase and sale of the two currencies, and although this means that the interest payments due on money you loan to finance the sale can be offset by interest on the currency they buy. If this seems a little confusing, we will look at an example in one minutes, but first, here a moment to look at the topic of general interest to the broader picture, as influences on the forex market.
Central bank interest rates down to meet the monetary policy of the country and interest rates increase or decrease the price of the currency. High interest rates make it more expensive for foreign currency and low interest rates, purchase currency will make it more accessible.
As an example of how interest rates, the perception of the government of a country with high inflation. With the price of goods and services is growing rapidly, the government may decide to raise rates. This will be the price of the currency of the country as loans more expensive and demand and consumption fall. As demand begins to decrease, so the rate of price rise will start to fall and inflation will decrease.
A country facing a recession may decide to reduce interest rates in an attempt to stimulate economic growth. As the price of a currency falls, so will the price of loans and investors, companies and individuals are encouraged to borrow and spend more money, increasing demand and stimulating supply to meet this growing demand.
Interest rates are set by the central banks determine the extent to which commercial banks can borrow from the government and the extent to which they give to their customers, including of course foreign currency traders.

So, how interest rates influence trade Forex?
Imagine a dealer who buys GBP / USD. In this case, they lend U.S. dollars to purchase British pounds and U.S. dollars each, the interest on loan payments and interest on the UK he bought liras received.
Since the Bank of England has a higher rate for British pounds at the rate for the dollar set by the Federal Reserve, the operator may earn more in the interest of the business of the British pound, it pays in dollars borrowed.
Generally, however, unless the difference between the two rates is significant net gains or losses are typically quite small. It should also be noted that interest rates are set annually, and that the trading position is kept open only for a short or very short period. This acts to reduce the interest, experience or paid considerably.

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